Friday, December 25, 2009

“The Gift of Human Kindness”Why is it, that sometimes, we have such a hard time showing our ‘love’ and ‘compassion’ for others?

Why do we pass by the people on the street, seemingly destitute and in apparent ‘need.’

Why do we ignore or putt off the phone calls from our family members or friends complaining of their issues?

Why do we ignore the instincts of our hearts and minds and then feel that sense of ‘regret’ later?

It’s called, self protection!

Now…is this ‘right,’ or ‘wrong?’ I am not one to say, for I am not a licensed therapist. I only note and write about many of the things that ‘I’ go through in life, in an effort to help myself as much as others.

What I DO know is this. That we are as strong and helpful to others, as we are to ourselves. Sound selfish?

Consider this. If I am feeling ‘ok’ with life, and feel I have patience and tolerance in my soul, then I can call my mother and deal with her numerous chaotic, emotionally draining, neurosis’s. If I am ‘not’ in ‘that place,’ I can offer zip, zero, zilch support! And in fact, I become the catalyst to the next volcanic eruption!

If I am feeling ‘full’ of the energy of ‘life,’ than I can offer some of that energy to others. If I am feeling ‘empty’ and ‘deprived,’ ‘weak,’ ‘sick,’ or otherwise ‘compromised’….I can offer little to my fellow human beings.

What about you?

What would you LIKE to be able to offer your loved ones, or perhaps, the down-trodden, the ones incapable of helping themselves?

And more importantly, how can we all help ourselves have more compassion, empathy, caring, and ability to ACT to help others?

One word. Regeneration!

We need to re-energize our OWN soul…our own sense of happiness…our own sense of power…our own sense of PEACE and GOODWILL, before we can help another.

If we try and help another when we ourselves are feeling ‘down and out,’ what happens?

In my case, I have found that my energy level creates that which it comes from. If it’s a ‘high’ positive energy….it creates wonders. If it’s a low, self-protective, conservative energy, it creates more problems than it helps.

What about you?

What would you LIKE to be able to offer your loved ones, the down-trodden, the ones incapable of helping themselves?

Me, for one, I would love to be able to be more tolerant and protective and compassionate of my mother. I would love to be ‘there’ for my brother’ who is often-times ‘on the street’ and always subject to hunger, cold, danger and death. I would love to be there for my friends in need, as they need. And I would love to be there for those whom cross my path in need of a kind word or deed.

Is this too much to ask for?

Not….if I take time to help myself…so that I can help others.

(Coming soon…how to ‘re-generate’ your soul!_)

1 comment:

  1. Well said, my friend. I often tell my students that it is occasionally important to be "selfish". I remind them of the verse where Christ commands us to "love your neighbor as yourself."
    What many people forget is that if you don't first love yourself, you have nothing to give to your neighbor. Therefore, as you point out, it is important to make certain that we are growing, and glowing before we attempt to give some of that to others.
    As always, a breath of fresh air, Master Dana. :)
